“Wingardium Leviosa!” The muggles are flying high in the air with pride as Vogue Vocal witnesses the greatest on-screen comeback! After a long wait of 13 years, the chatter about the Harry Potter Cast is back on the block! Our millennial brain is running high on dopamine rush! We have a special connection with the Harry Potter cast as we saw them growing over the years! But after the last part, there was always this urge for more! Whatever we could get, we wanted Harry Potter merch, Netflix series, and anything that could keep us connected!
After Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, we finally got a bit of our favorite fictional story from Netflix as it brought The Secrets of Dumbledore to our screen in the Harry Potter show!
Now the chatter has it that HBO has got all the Potterheads excited again for the Harry Potter series HBO! This announcement about the new Harry Potter TV show has created a buzz among fans everywhere. We at Vogue Vocal believe that the legacy of Harry Potter was too huge to be put to an end! This announcement has given hope to the muggles and sparked curiosity for who will join the Harry Potter TV series!
When we talk about bringing something back to the screen, the greatest challenge is the cast! It has become a common habit for people to associate a character to a celebrity! The attachment is so real! We just cannot see that same spark in anyone else again! Talk about James Bond, James Bond, the legend, we could not take it well or stop comparing the celebrities whenever there was a new casting!
Especially for the movie franchise where the characters begin their journey as “child actors” We love watching them grow and evolve as persons, and characters! Seeing someone else in their role cannot be easy to accept! Are you ready to take a trip down memory lane for the OG Harry Potter cast? The crush of millions of millennials back in the early 2000s, we had Daniel Radcliffe as the OG Harry Potter, and he has set the bar too high with his cuteness and unlimited charm!
Emma Watson as the iconic “It’s not Leviosar, it’s Leviosa!” Hermione Granger! Then we had our very cute Rupert Grint, who taught us the true meaning of friendship as Ron Weasley. The little villain who we always liked secretly, Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy!
Not only the little kid squad but the Hogwarts professors have a place of their own in our hearts! With a new Harry Potter cast on the way, will we ever be able to love someone as much as we loved Hagrid? Or will another celebrity be able to give that walk with his gown flying by as Professor Severus Snape? We all love the warm character of Professor McGonagall and Maggie Smith did justice to the character! The news of her demise left us all in tears!
Vogue Vocal thinks that this Harry Potter cast is going to be the make-or-break point of this HBO Harry Potter show.
The Potter Heads around the globe are looking forward to the HBO Harry Potter Series for the reveal of the new cast. J.K Rowling is actively involved in the casting process and we are really excited about her picks! We have heard many rumors, and many people are predicting the names we might want to see for the Harry Potter Cast. If Vogue Vocal had to pick the cast of this Harry Potter series HBO, here are some names that we would love to see:
The king of serious expressions, Cillian Murphy, has won our hearts with his iconic performances, and we would love to see him in the Harry Potter cast! If we believe the sources, Cillian Murphy might be stealing the thunder with the character of “he who must not be named.” That’s right, we couldn’t be more excited to see Cillian Murphy as Voldemort, and we can picture the screams! But just our point of view, we can’t be the only ones who see a glimpse of “Severus Snape” in his expressions! We want to see him doing that “Avada Kedavra.” Either way, Cillian Murphy would be an excellent addition to the Harry Potter cast!
Mark Addy has a charming personality and is normally seen as a loving character. We love his aura! This makes him an ideal choice for Hagrid! Hagrid was a character that is forever etched in our hearts. Let’s be honest here, nobody will ever be able to “replace” the soft spot we hold for Robbie Coltrane! But Mark Addy has that positive vibe that we would love to see on our screen as a tribute to this epic character!
Our sources tell us that we will be seeing another legacy for Professor Dumbledore in the Harry Potter TV show! Mark Rylance seems to be a perfect choice for the legendary character Dumbledore. His soft-spoken performances and the depth of his eyes might ooze the wisdom that we are looking for in the Harry Potter TV show cast as the leader of the wizard pack!
These are some of the names we have heard from our sources for the Harry Potter cast, but the real deal will get more exciting as we start getting the names for the trio! We don’t know how we will see the cuteness overload with the kid’s cast! Vogue Vocal is equally excited about the entire cast reveal! Fingers crossed!
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