Channel your inner Vogue and Confidence!

Channel your inner Vogue and Confidence!

Simplicity, The Runway of Untouched Beauty with Skincare

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I get it. Quote “the bigger the better”. The need for something bigger or better is actually very important and healthy but do we keep it well balanced? Often, focusing on the bigger and the better makes you miss out on minor details that could have made a bigger impact.

Today’s story is about the simplicity of untouched beauty and how a simple skincare routine can change your life. Let’s talk about this! Understand that it  can be that simple beauty without any makeup or prepping or glass skin—oh yes, the “perfect skin” that can be captivating by its purity that radiates there yet is not on the front line. Simplicity in beauty is not always boring or substandard, sometimes even overlooked. It can be unique, loud, and quite daring in our modern society.


What is Self Love?

Beauty is not only based on looks, skincare routine, and makeup routine, but the list goes on. Quote: “Beauty starts from the inside” is our ancient saying, yet hard to achieve. Beauty from the inside can be different things under which self-love is what we need most on our journey to achieve our ideal look. Self-love will make you care for yourself not only on the outside but also on the inside. Inner confidence is the inner work, the inner food for beauty. Self-love, when taken seriously, can greatly impact every aspect of your life under which your ideal looks.

How can self-love impact my ideal look and help me achieve my perfect look? Let me enlighten you based on personal experience. Self-love will make you choose yourself and also the situations you want yourself in. For example, relationships, jobs, etc., can have a major impact on the health of your skin, believe it or not. Self-love will make you choose the proper diet, which greatly impacts your gut health.


Skincare Tips to Boost Confidence

Furthermore, it will make you create time for a self-care routine, even though it’s once a week. Self-love will make you see yourself and not only see but also love yourself on a whole other level. You will accept yourself as you are and will have a shield protecting you from society. Self-love is the foundation. We have to put in the work now. I can enlighten you, but create your natural journey based on your circumstances and ideal look.


Start your day with 2 glasses of lukewarm water and give your body time to fully wake up and start-up. Drinking enough water throughout the day is important for your ideal look. Adding a detox tea or good herbal tea based on benefits for the skin can naturally help you. Create a natural skincare routine based on your skin type and need. Use natural products that are very healthy and friendly for your skin. Respect your skin; this is based on self-love. Respecting your skin type is understanding it: mine can be oily, yours can be dry, and others can be oily and dry. And that is okay! Respect it and try to work around it to achieve your ideal look. Give your skin some rest and let it use its own resources sometimes. Do not scrub or wash everything away. Last but not least, Learn from others about the products, their routine, insights, etc. But do not put yourself in a position you’re not in based on what you saw. Look at what you can apply for yourself without their goals. Keep yours!


Accepting Skin Positivity:

I empower the simple look, the untouched beauty. What is the simple look you are talking about, you may ask. I’m talking about a woman who is not ashamed of her skin and wears it as it is. Pimples? I wear my skin! Freckles? I wear my skin! Dark under eyes? I wear my skin! Uneven skin tone? I wear my skin! It doesn’t mean I won’t enhance my beauty with makeup from time to time or can’t have a skincare routine for “glass skin,” but it’s about self-love and wearing your skin unapologetic. 


In this fast paced world, Vogue Vocal is an advocate of beauty that lies within and acceptance of our beautiful self! It’s time to flaunt your flaws and love yourself! A healthy diet and a peaceful mind makes you a thousand times more beautiful! Take your skincare regime seriously! Trust Vogue Vocal’s recommendation for skincare routines whether DIY masks or skincare products, we want you to shine from within!

Mehreen Hassan

Good taste never goes out of style! Mehreen Hassan at Vogue Vocal is as vocal about all time tried and tested beauty secrets as it can get! The real deal behind a well put together look is the confidence that glows and shines from within! Mehreen is your beauty guru with the nature’s secrets, DIY skincare, and all the trending Beauty products! Let’s learn the dos and don’ts of a skincare routine and let your beautiful personality shine through!

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